VFR Ukraine Tour 2023

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Il Tour virtuale, VFR Ukraina 2023, aderisce alle regole standard del Volo a vista.
Sfruttando le immense potenzialità di"Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020", si è potuta apprezzare la ricostruzione digitale geografica e la fedele toponomastica dei luoghi, città e orografie.
E' possibile identificare, con estrema precisione, le caratteristiche del territorio dalla media altitudine di 2500 piedi.
L'intera simulazione aerea si compone di 12 tratte, così come sono proposte dalla divisione Ucraina - IVAO, eseguite con l'ausilio del mitico aereo monoelica ad ala bassa "Piper 28R Arrow III", ricostruito dalla specializzata "Just Flight"
Sono state sorvolate 1.067 miglia nautiche, pari a 1.977 km aerei,per un totale complessivo di oltre 11 ore.
Tra le molte città del Paese sorvolate, sono visibili: Odessa, Lunary, Cherson, il fiume Nipro, Tyahynka, Mylove,Nikopol, Zaporizzjia, Dnipro, Charkiv, Kiev, Vinnycja, Velyka, Lopatyn, Leopoli,Ivano-Frankivs'k, Uzorod.
Le condizioni atmosferiche incontrate nei tragitti, sono le stesse che, nel momento della simulazione, erano presenti realmente nei luoghi.
Per apprezzare meglio ogni tratta, è possibile scaricare i file google earth.kmz corrispondenti, allegati a ciascuno video.

The Virtual Tour, VFR Ukraine 2023, adheres to the standard rules of Visual Flight.
By exploiting the immense potential of "Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020", it was possible to appreciate the geographic digital reconstruction and the faithful toponymy of places, cities and orography.
It is possible to identify, with extreme precision, the characteristics of the territory from the average altitude of 2500 feet.
The entire aerial simulation is made up of 12 sections, as proposed by the Ukraine - IVAO division, performed with the aid of the legendary low-wing single-prop aircraft "Piper 28R Arrow III", rebuilt by the specialized "Just Flight"
1,067 nautical miles were flown over, equal to 1,977 air km, for a total of over 11 hours.
Among the many cities of the country flown over, the following are visible: Odessa, Lunary, Cherson, the Nipro River, Tyahynka, Mylove, Nikopol, Zaporizzjia, Dnipro, Charkiv, Kiev, Vinnytsia, Velyka, Lopatyn, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Uzorod .
The atmospheric conditions encountered during the journeys are the same as those that were actually present in the places at the time of the simulation.
To better appreciate each route, you can download the corresponding google earth.kmz files attached to each video.

Playlist video Here

Odessa to Kherson - Leg 1- Download KMZ file here

Kherson to Zaporizhzhia - Leg 02 - Download KMZ file here

Zaporizhzhia to Dnipro - Leg 03 - Download KMZ file here

Dnipro to Osnova - Leg 04 - Download KMZ file here

Osnova to Suprunivka - Leg 05 - Download KMZ file here

Suprunivka to Boryspil - Leg 06 - Download KMZ file here

Boryspil to Kiev Žuljany - Leg 07 - Download KMZ file here

Zhuliany to Gavryshivka - Leg 08 - Download KMZ file here

Gavryshivka to Rivne - Leg 09 - Download KMZ file here

Rivne to Lviv - Leg 10 - Download KMZ file here

Lviv to Ivano Frankivsk - Leg 11 - Download KMZ file here

Ivano Frankivsk to Uzhhorod - Leg 12 - Download KMZ file here