VFR Cuba Tour 2022

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Per completare il Cuba Tour 2022 abbiamo sorvolato l'isola centro americana per 1208 miglia nautiche pari a 2237 Km.

Il Tour virtuale approfitta delle regole del volo a vista (VFR), come organizzate dalla divisione cubana di IVAO).

La fotometria digitale ci mostra panoramiche tipiche delle zone caraibiche con terreni pianeggianti, mari limpidi e cristallini, spiaggie coralline.
Il viaggio digitale, a bordo dell'instancabile Piper P28r Arrow III, si snoda per 21 tratte, interessando 22 aeroporti, per il totale di 10 ore di volo.
L'Avana, Guanajay, Pinar del Rio, Punta de Fisga, La Damajagua, Cayo San Juan, Cayo Ciprey, Jagua, Trinidad, El Megano, Camaguey, Angostura, Manazanillo, Bayano, Campechuela, Marea de Portillo, Santiago de Cuba, Paraguay, San Antonio del Sur, Baracoa. Per apprezzare meglio ogni tratta, รจ possibile scaricare i file google earth.kmz corrispondenti, allegati a ciascuno video.

To complete the Cuba Tour 2022 we flew over the Central American island for 1208 nautical miles equal to 2237 km. The Virtual Tour takes advantage of the visual flight rules (VFR), as organized by the Cuban division of IVAO ). Digital photometry shows us panoramic views typical of Caribbean areas with flat land, crystal clear seas, coral beaches. The digital journey, aboard the tireless Piper P28r Arrow III, winds its way along 21 routes, involving 22 airports, for a total of 10 flight hours.

Havana, Guanajay, Pinar del Rio, Punta de Fisga, La Damajagua, Cayo San Juan, Cayo Ciprey, Jagua, Trinidad, El Megano, Camaguey, Angostura, Manazanillo, Bayano, Campechuela, Marea de Portillo, Santiago de Cuba, Paraguay , San Antonio del Sur, Baracoa.
To better appreciate each route, you can download the corresponding google earth.kmz files attached to each video.

Playlist video Here

Jose Marti Intl (MUHA) to Playa Baracoa (MUPB) - Leg 1- Download KMZ file here
Playa Baracoa (MUPB) to Pinar (MULM) - Leg 2- Download KMZ file here

MULM to Rafael Cabrera (MUNG) Leg 03 - Download KMZ file here

Rafael Cabrera (MUNG) to Vilo Acuna Intl (MUCL) - Leg 04 - Download KMZ file here

Vilo Acuna Intl (MUCL) to Jaime Gonzalez Intl (MUCF) - Leg 05 - Download KMZ file here

Jaime Gonzalez Intl (MUCF) to Alberto Delgado (MUTD) - Leg 06 - Download KMZ file here

Alberto Delgado (MUTD) to Ignacio Agramonte Intl (MUCM) - Leg 07 - Download KMZ file here

Ignacio Agramonte Intl (MUCM) to Carlos Manuel De Cespedes (MUBY) - Leg 08 - Download KMZ file here

Carlos Manuel De Cespedes (MUBY) to Antonio Maceo Intl (MUCU) - Leg 09/10 - Download KMZ file here

Antonio Maceo Intl (MUCU) to Gustavo Rizo (MUBA) - Leg 11/12 - Download KMZ file here

Gustavo Rizo (MUBA) to Frank Pais Intl (MUHG) - Leg 13/14 - Download KMZ file here

Frank Pais Intl (MUHG) to (MUVT) and (MUSL) - Leg 15/16 - Download KMZ file here

MUSL TO MUCC - Leg 17 - Download KMZ file here

Jardines Del Rey Intl (MUCC) to Las Brujas (MUBR) and to (MUVR) Varadero and Jose Marti Intl (MUHA) - Leg 18/19/20 21 - Download KMZ file here